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Statement Of Beliefs

Summary Statement of Beliefs

The Young Women’s STEAM Academy at Balch Springs staff will demonstrate the academic expectations that we have for all students. We as staff value learning, believe in the potential of our students, trust in our own collegial relationships to build our expertise and are accountable for student achievement.

We will…

    • be life-long learners that are reflective, creative, effective communicators, problem-solvers and are committed to excellence.

    • be approachable, and have good content-area knowledge and the ability to share and transmit that knowledge.

    • create solutions that are implemented consistently.

    • work collaboratively for student success.

    • be involved in all aspects of the school’s operation.

    • continually implement multiple response strategies to accommodate students with diverse learning needs.

    • create a classroom climate that engages students in rigorous, relevant and in depth learning while maintaining a trusting environment.

    • implement a strong consistent discipline program that embraces and nurtures student’s needs.

    • promote an atmosphere where everyone is valued, appreciated and empowered.